June 2023: A Bristol Wake

A second wake for Matt took place. He’d lived in two cities during his life, Norwich and Bristol, so it was natural that friends in Bristol would want to see some of his ashes scattered there. I was able to bring some of the ashes back from the Norwich event. These...

May 2023: Weird Shit in the Matrix

Getting these blog entries by email? You probably aren’t seeing the images attached to the post on the main site. May was a quieter month, I found some random parallel’s between reality and virtual reality which seemed to loop back on themselves. Here’s an...

April 2023: Ashes and Intangible Things

Matt’s wake was on April 1st, pretty sure he’d have approved of the date.  Old friends gathered, ashes scattered. Afterwards, we all went for a drink. The occasion was both sad and lovely. April also saw me digging deep into a thing called VRChat. My first impressions...


Hello there stranger/friends. It has been a long time since I last posted here, hasn’t it? A lot of things have got in the way, mainly things in the real world. I had intended and partly attempted to write a long and rambling blog entry, which would cover many...

March 2023: Screams & Dreams.

The interior walls and flooring were the next steps after insulation. For shitz’n gigs, I built an acoustic isolation chamber on one side of the room. This would later come in handy for my wailing, screaming into the void.  While I was doing all of this stuff, I...

February 2023: Open up, It’s the Fuzz!

With the external works  largely complete, I turned my focus on the internals, filling the walls with mineral wool insulation. With the leftover mineral wool, I glued much of it to my chin. Everyone said that It looked good, but I had my suspicions that they were...

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