Hello there stranger/friends. It has been a long time since I last posted here, hasn’t it? A lot of things have got in the way, mainly things in the real world. I had intended and partly attempted to write a long and rambling blog entry, which would cover many matters, but the more I wrote, the more I began feeling like

1. Who cares?

2. Who’s got time?

With these two questions causing sufficient doubt in my mind, I’ve decided to try a different strategy.

I’ll offer a word of advice for those of you who have subscribed to blog updates here; if you’ve enjoyed the infrequent nature of my blog entries , it would be prudent to unsubscribe for the next six months or so. I intend to post here more frequently, some posts are likely to appear to be going backwards in time, but this is largely to cover news during my hiatus from the date of the last entry.

If you unsubscribe, I promise that I won’t be offended. I’m looking to give this web site a facelift over the next few months and also considering archiving old entries by taking them offline permanently and starting afresh.

I’ll post again sometime over the next few of days, and that will mark the beginning of the new regime.


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