Blue Fluffy Mouse, Towering Victorian House.

My wife in the throes of passion didn’t see the view beyond her shoulder of the field mouse scurrying across the bedroom floor. Nor did she notice when later,when I cornered the rodent using a transparent tube. She probably would have screamed when the mouse shot up...

The Spider Under The Bed.

“Look at that spider!” “Christ it’s big.” “I’ve never seen one that size in this country before.” “Quick! Get it before it goes under the bed!” “Shit, too late.” “Oh my God, that was only...

Splattman Returns

I’m Back! Did you miss me? ;-P Hey there friend/stranger/random visitor thanks for attending what has been the most boring website in Christendom. I’m sorry I let things slide for so long but then I’ve been busy in the real world and my usual visual creativity...

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