I’m Back!

Did you miss me? ;-P

Hey there friend/stranger/random visitor thanks for attending what has been the most boring website in Christendom. I’m sorry I let things slide for so long but then I’ve been busy in the real world and my usual visual creativity has been on extended pregnancy leave. However, as it started spitting out babies a couple of weeks ago I decided that an update to this web domain should be my first port of call.

House Matters:

The section called ‘@Night’ was originally hosted by Blogger and redirected by some html to appear in this site. I’ve now decided to cut out the middle man altogether and just host all content for that blog directly in these pages. It makes sense really and makes my life easier as I will no longer have to log in and create content for here elsewhere. As it stands, all old entries have be transported here. On the down side, you will no longer be able to click on the images to larger versions. I’ve no idea if  that was important to anyone so I’ll assume that it wasn’t.

My ambition is to soon start adding audio content to these pages; stuff that I’ve created. Stay tuned.

The section called ‘Flicks’ has been a royal pain in the bottom. I’ve struggled to find a way of presenting it in the way that I would have liked i.e: A self updating grid of Youtube clips of my choice that shows the most recent favourites and notables first. For the time being, I’m going to take the concept of ‘clip of the week’ and create a news feed of things I think are noteworthy on Youtube. For those of you who like the kind of things I draw attention to, this will be an improvement.

There will gradually be other tweeks and improvements to this domain over the coming weeks, I can’t really elaborate further, things just happen as they come to me. Feedback however, is always welcome.


Several things are drawing to a close in my life at the moment. I’m nearing the end of my NVQ in conservation skills. Hand in hand with that, I’m nearing the end of working with the bloke I did my stone masonry training with. I will now put my focus into securing full time work using all the skills I’ve acquired over the last four years.

I’m 40 in November, so this particular decade of my thirties is starting to draw to a close. I’m acutely aware of it, it feels bittersweet. I’ll divulge more on this in another entry at another time.

I’ve started paying more attention to my garden and gardening. (File under WTF?)

A few weekends ago en route to a day out in the strange town of Glastonbury, I drove past an amazing reclamation yard. It caught my eye because I noticed a Russian tank and a large missile gathering rust near the main entrance.  whilst exploring this awesome place I noticed a Jesus figure in side profile…except there was something really odd about it.

I noticed that its left arm was missing and that the foam inside the fibre glass figure had turned a horrible meaty red.

I think I uttered the words “Oh my God it’s ‘Stump Christ’! His face is horrible!”

“Aaaaaagh my fucking arm!”

My face would have the same expression if my left arm suddenly went missing. Isn’t that just the most bizarre Jesus you’ve ever seen? By all means, I’ve you’ve seen a weirder Jesus figure, feel free to send me a picture.

I’m currently playing Killzone 3 (Full review forthcoming), on the whole I love it. Anyway, the creators Guerilla Games devised a competition recently for fans to make a game trailer. Here’s my entry.

Anyone interested in joining me in blowing shit up and shooting space nazis can usually find me logged in on PSN playing Killzone 3 most nights between 10:30 & 11:30. ID: hiab-x

Well, that’s about it for this entry. Keep coming back, I promise I will make more of an effort to keep this site active and interesting. You can always see if anything new has occurred by logging into the home page. There’s a little text entry near the page title that notes updates.


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