I experienced another shift a few hours ago. For every light there is a shadow, going left will always imply the option to go right, for every three dimensionally solid sentient entity there is a multi dimensional soft inverted consciousness. This is how I view things, perhaps we are not that different to each other, perhaps I’m just the one who foolishly attempts to illustrate what I do as a reminder to the being you fundamentally are.

I am sometimes struck by the memory of things that happen over on ‘the other side’. Don’t get too hung up on that statement, I say ‘Other’ as if it belongs to another place or continuum because it helps provide a context for you, the reader. All the while I’m acutely aware that it really feels that what can be considered as two existential dimensions, are really expressions of a greater whole.

My last episode/ shift, reminded me of how complimentary the other place can be to the solid world of ‘here and now.’ Sure there are comparisons you can draw that illustrate the differences. Over here the dead are gone, over there they seem very much alive albeit dead. Over there, past, present and future all seem to happen at once, here we endure a sense of passing time; That which has been is gone, that which is here is now, that which will be, hasn’t arrived just yet. It all nods to itself, it doesn’t matter which side of the metaphorical ‘fence’ you are on, there is always the implication of the other. Above and beyond this place or that place there is always the suggestion that there is ‘something else’ a greater ‘Otherness’. Its a curious set up isn’t it !

The last shift took me to a vague ‘Bristol’ sort of place, I note that it was night time and that I was in what felt like the city centre…(Though I cannot feel confident about any claim that anywhere has a ‘centre’, if you know what I mean) I noticed a branch of the ‘Forbidden Planet’ franchise and decided to go in and have a good look at the merchandise. On the whole I seem to have a fixation with the Eagle Transporter spaceships from Gerry Anderson’s ‘Space 1999’, so I find no surprise in telling you that I made a bee-line straight for the models as soon as I got a glimpse of them. One of the things I always appreciate about shifting to the other place is that objects have a greater fluidity to their nature. Unlike here, they aren’t ‘fixed’ forms, they gently ripple with energy and potential to become other things, there is always the suggestion that they will reveal something hidden about themselves. I likeEagle Transporters and the R2-D2’s for this reason. When I see the static versions here, I see things that fascinate me because of their beautiful design and because they have a distinct whiff and flavour of childhood. In the other places, they still have all those qualities but then they have the extra thrill of containing so many other dimensions, as if their physical designs were alive and haven’t finished evolving yet. I remained transfixed by the creations in the store for a little while before gently transitioning to a supermarket queue, the kind where your goods are already in the bag before you arrive at the checkout. A girl of no fixed identity came over to me & pointed out that the whole chicken I had in my bag weighed ‘x’ much & was ‘x’ priced, she then asked me how it could be that hers (Which only weighed a pound more) could almost be double the price of mine. I’ve never had a brilliant head for figures but I’m not a mathematical simpleton so her point seemed just and fair. I took a stroll through the aisles to find the manager & argue the vague girl’s grievances on her behalf, I figured she had a good case… I know, this is all quite unremarkable, mundane even. I figured that I’d write about this today as it illustrates clearly that what can be viewed as ‘mundane’ can apply to any given dimension, if there was a place called Heaven, I wouldn’t be surprised if it had shopping malls. I can’t tell you how the manager handled the dispute over the price of cold dead chickens, to be honest, It isn’t important and definitely isn’t likely to be an interesting conclusion. Sorry, it can be like that sometimes can’t it ?


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