For a moment’s pause, I’ve stepped away from the audio I was working on recently. There’s only so far I can go in my break times, coupled with the infuriating inability of iOS to not be capable of downloading sound files like Wavs when away from the computer.

The glue that will tie my various experiments together will be a narrative track. That in itself requires being written again as I have looked back at what I wrote in 2002 and feel that it largely needs improvement.

Whilst I’ve been working on sound, I’ve been considering the visual elements of the project. I purchased a test stylus for iPad drawing; A Wacom Bamboo Sketch and downloaded a few drawing apps to see how sketching on a tablet may work for me. I’m undecided yet but in my heart, I know it’s probably that I’m slowly coming round to the idea of upgrading to iPad Pro and trying my luck with the pencil that was designed for it.

I think this has sprung from the often used statement

‘I don’t draw any more because I don’t have time’

It leaves me with a hollow feeling as I know it is partly an excuse. If it really is a matter of time, then maybe so need to reassess those elements that I feel are time consuming and find a more efficient solution.

Technological inks and paints appear to have made giant leaps in the last decade, and I’m witnessing some wonderful digital art by other creators. In this light, I need to remove the excuses and just explore new approaches. Expect to see some tests here soon.


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