Time for another gripping episode.

Christ, how long does it take for me to write a blog entry? I’ll plead the usual ‘Keeping busy’ line but really its an uncomfortable case of being acutely aware that twaddling on about myself really demands a very limited audience , Is it really that interesting?

Hardly the spirit of blogging is it ?…

Then again, nine hundred and something tumbleweeds have drifted through my front page since rebooting this site so perhaps I’m not as dull as I sometimes imagine!

Here’s the news: I’ve been working on this house…

I must say It is bloody gorgeous, just the sort of house I’ve been gagging to work on. It has also allowed me to put my acquired masonry skills to work as the job has involved repairing and replacing stone that has seen better days.

It looks like the job may be on-going as the building needs a fair amount of t.l.c.

Creativity outside of the racy word of stone masonry has been rather thin off the ground generally, although I have been having tremendous fun with my iPhone’s camera, especially the Kaleidoscope application that allows you to convert the world around you into kaleidoscopic tessellations then photograph the results:

Much hilarity ensued.

Talking of hilarity, I’ve been loving the track ‘Devil Cock’ by the band Revolting Cocks.

I think it’s the combination of the ‘cock-a-doodle-doo’/over the top, Satanic guitar riff and the fact that you can hear a cockerel’s cry in the chorus of “DEVIL COCK!” Great fun.

I suppose religious types of the Christian persuasion wouldn’t necessarily ‘get it”.

Well anyway, Revco’s ‘Cocked and Loaded’ album was a very pleasing discovery to plug one of the holes left in my musical universe by the disbandment of Ministy.

On a completely different note I’ve been also rediscovering the music of New Model Army. They’ve had a bit of a twenty year hiatus from my music collection, It shames me to admit . I more or less wrote them off as a ‘band of my teens’ and almost forgot how good their music actually is.

On the upside of this recent rediscovery; I’ve fallen in love with their music all over again, with the added benefit of being older and wiser, having lived a few years- the music is far deeper and meaningful than my seventeen year old ears would have ever appreciated.

NMA are a great British band and I’m delighted to find that they are still active. Here’s their Last FM page.

When free time permits, I tend to unwind with a stint on the PS3. My current love affair in gaming is for Bethesda’s masterpiece – “Fallout 3”.

Here’s the trailer:

Here’s the Wikipedia page about the game.

I could have written my own review but 1. I don’t have the time to ramble in depth about why the game is so cool…seriously I could write an epic. 2. If you are actually interested in my opinion, then you are probably also into gaming , therefore you can get a much better feel for whether this is your sort of thing by doing your own digging around online. All I can add really is that I bought a second hand copy back in March, I’ve put a substantial amount of accumulative hours into the game since then. To date, I haven’t seen everywhere in the games giant sprawling post apocalyptic environment, it is huge. HUGE! Then there’s the additional content, and I haven’t even dipped a little toe into that yet.

Right, I’ve been tapping away for some time this evening, so I’m going to end this post here. (Mumbles something about taking less time between blogging updates in future)

More soon, comments, discussion always welcome, just don’t try selling me Viagra or fucking Casino sites.



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