If you were in a flying saucer from Mars or Somewhere…

Weeks roll by and it would appear from the outside that no blog = nothing much to talk about. On the contrary, it just happens to be that life happens and there isn’t much time to blog about it.

The last few weeks have flown by reasonably quickly with a weighty mixture of work and travel. I’m not going to bore you with the minutiae of what I do with hammers,chisels and lime mortar! A visual summary can be seen in bite size in the section of this site called ‘Spy’.

As for the travel…

A couple of weeks ago I returned to Romsey in Hampshire to join my sister Lauren in celebrating her twenty first birthday. It was an odd landmark to witness in life as I was drawn to mentally review where the last twenty one years have gone and the apparent speed they seemed to fly off in!

It’s a sobering reminder how none of us are getting any younger. This is not to say that I’m feeling old, it is just alarming to suddenly realise the perception that a couple of decades can appear to whiz by in a similar manner to the way a week, a month or a year can. I’ve found coping strategies in dealing with the illusion of time flying. These usually boil down to pausing for a moment and reminding yourself about all the things that have happened in ‘x’ time span. You naturally recall a lengthy list of events that break down the ‘quick year’ into something far more satisfying  sense of time passing at a reasonably acceptable rate.

It’s just that the process gets trickier when dealing with decades. Perhaps I should blog more often… or maybe not.

(Blog entry abandoned due to embarrassingly lengthy hiatus from  spilling the metaphoric beans about my life online. I made no promises that this was going to be a ‘good read’ did I ?)

Let’s start again in another entry shall we ?


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