Personal Top 10 ‘Wow’ Moments In Gaming.

I was initially inspired to write this entry after responding to a post in the boards of I’ve also felt a little guilty at having a blog and hardly doing anything with it.

I’ve resolved to be a little more proactive in posting entries here, even if they are copied and pasted from things I’ve posted on other sites.

1.Being able to put your own name to the main character in ‘School Daze’ on the Spectrum.

2.Piloting a guided missile in Starglider on the Atari ST.

3.Jaw hitting the floor at first exposure to Star Fox on the SNES. OMG POLYGONS!

4.Wipeout 2097 intro movie and gameplay being reason enough to buy a Playstation console.

5.Getting completely spellbound on the first play-through of Tomb Raider, so much exploring.

6.Having Techgasms during during first exposure to GTA III on a large CRT TV set that weighed half a ton.

7.The splendid craftsmanship of tight storytelling and immersive gameplay  and graphic finesse that was Prince Of Persia – Sands Of Time.

8.Shadows Of The Colossus ; the whole game was one giant ‘WOW moment’. The atmosphere, the fur effects, the vastness, the sunlight glinting through the trees, the haunting music….probably the best game I’ve ever played.

9.Every scary-f*ing moment of Dead Space and the realization that everything I’ve hoped gaming could be is now coming true.

10. Killzone 2 for finally making me feel interested in FPS games again for the first time since Quake


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