Shucks. Does anyone still visit? Well, I’ve reconciled a difficult issue I felt myself facing whenever I’ve updated this blog, namely age+experience+doubts=No posting

Age: Less need for having my ego fed by having a ‘Look at me’ website

Experience: The recognition that the web has mutated into a deformed monster version of its sweet little baby younger self, it is angry, full of wicked lies and crooks. If I have a personal blog, how do I know that it won’t be used against me? 

Doubts: Who gives a monkeys if I blog and have a website?

No posts: see above.

Yet I pay for my domain name every year. Well, that’s stupid If I’m not doing anything with it.

Solution: I’ve been keeping journals again using a fabulous app called ‘Day One‘ I admit that I love it as it helps organise my thoughts. I’ve subdivided the journal into Life, Dreams, Questions asked by users of (and answered by me) on Quora. Lastly, a creative journal.

In the case of the later, I’ve found that it helps and motivates me to keep a track of what I do, why I do it and how i do it. I began to think, this journal in particular would be a candidate for blogging. In this spirit, I will copy entries from my personal journal and post them here on my site for my ever invisible, somewhat limited audience. Having said that, as my SEO metadata may be picked up by search engines and attract new viewers. If what I’m doing interests you or if you feel that I could be doing it better and you know how I could, then I will always welcome correspondence from interested, creative parties.




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